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TMBG is a professional membership group for individuals and businesses in the business to business ("B2B") information & communications technology ("ICT") industry interested the consulting, procurement, distribution, delivery, installation and management of ICT solutions and managed services. All memberships are paid. Individuals become a member when they A) buy their own paid subscription at or B) receive it from their employer who buys a TMBG corporate membership. Individual members generally fall into one of the following "ICT role" categories:

Buyers: Our primary reason for existing is to serve the information and marketplace needs of technology managers & ICT decision makers who influence & execute the authorized acquisition if ICT solutions & services for the businesses that employ or contract them from ICT sellers. Click here to learn more about TMBG buyer members.

Advisors: Individuals not employed by the company buying ICT services but who, as in independent contractor, consult, broker, manage or otherwise influence the buyer's ICT procurement and ongoing management decisions or provide professional services in support of the ICT solution. Advisors can be compensated by the seller, the buyer or both. Click here to learn more about TMBG advisor members.

Distributors: Individuals who work for a TSD or "technology solutions distributor" also known as a TSB or "technology services broker" and previously known as a "master agency" or master agent. TSDs add value to the ICT transaction between buyer and seller by helping to organize the presale information flow between buyer and seller when the buyer has chosen to acquire the ICT service or integrated solution through the "partner channel" and an advisor as opposed to the "direct channel" and a sales account executive employed by the seller. Click here to learn more about TMBG distributor members.

Sellers: Individuals who work for an ICT solution or services provider or "vendor". Sellers are defined as the "invoice entity" whose corporate name appears on the service agreement & logo appears on the buyer's monthly bill. The recurring monthly commissions that sellers pay TSDs who in turn pay advisors is the money that "floats all the boats" and financially supports the entire "partner channel". Click here to learn more about TMBG seller members.

Interns: Individuals who seek a job or career working as an advisor, technology manager or employee of a TSD or vendor. Click here to learn more about TMBG intern members.

Supporters: Individuals who do not fit into the other categories but support the ICT partner channel as a professional marketer, project manager, attorney, accountant, etc. is invited to join TMBG as a TMBG supporter member.